All content of is absolutely legal!
First of all, we are very strict about DMCA. DMCA refers ONLY to the illegal taking over of your content. All the content used on our platform is legitimately offered by cam sites where webcam models works, though their affiliate programs.
When you signed up as a webcam model on any adult cam site, you agreed to their terms and conditions who also include the usage of content, therefore all cam sites have the right to offer your content and distribute it via API, such live feed, photos and videos, as well as screename and profile information, to affiliate webmasters for promotion and marketing purpose.
We can easily delete your page from, but in 5 minutes it will be automatically imported again from the feed of the sites that you work on. What you can do is to contact the webcam site you are working on and ask them to remove you from our feed, otherwise it will be listed over and over again on hundreds of affiliate web sites and white labels. More information about “how not to appear in network websites“ are in the page dedicated to cam models.
If our webcam portal saves a picture that does not benefit you, or it is too adult explicit and you want to change it, you can contact us by sending us another picture that you want and we will gladly change it.
When you close the account on the sites you work on, then we can delete it and it never appear again.
However if you think your content has been used without your consent, please contact us using the copyright infringement notification form. If you don't work anymore as cam model on any webcam chat sites listed by us: Stripchat, add more soon, please specify this and us we will erase immediately your profile page from